
今天是美国的感恩节.S. 和巴西. It is a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest. A day to be grateful for the food that nature provides and of course to the farmers that make it happen! As with many things t在这里 are good years and bad years. 今年的收成怎么样? 让我们一起来看看:

尽管面临许多挑战, 欧洲 produced more wheat this year as farmers were able to expand the planted area after rain disrupted sowing the previous season and with late spring weather helping crop growth. According to the latest statistics, wheat production in 2021 is approximately 135 million tons. 这比2020年的收获时间提前了7%.
Extreme weather during harvest time in 2021 hampered field activities in a number of countries and played havoc with crop quality. Harvest rains and quality issues were observed in France, western parts of Germany and large parts of Poland. 随着季节的进展, the wet weather extended further into Belarus and south as far as northern Italy. However the impact on crop quality 在这里 was not as great. 在欧洲北部, 瑞典的七月比平常更热, the Baltic states and Finland affected grain filling of spring and winter cereal crops as soil moisture became a limiting factor early.

在美洲, the 2021 wheat harvest also dealt with many weather variables, ranging from delays at harvest to early harvest in some states. Wheat crop quality ended up better than expected on average. In both Canada and the US exceptionally hot and dry weather curtailed crop yields and resulted in multi-year low yields for wheat and 强奸seed crops. However the silver lining is after years of excess supply, a smaller harvest has helped to increase market prices, 随着需求的增强.  在美国, 小麦产量减少了约12%, while in parts of Canada yields were roughly 33% below trend this year compared to 2020. 横跨北美, it is estimated that inventories of wheat, 强奸, corn and soybeans are all projected to fall to near decade lows relative to consumption by the end of the calendar year.

China’s grain output in 2021 set a new record by exceeding 650 billion tons for the seventh year in a row. It is expected that the autumn grain yield will increase, and with 80% of the harvest now completed, the recent spells of prolonged rain should have a limited impact. The quantity and quality of grains has also improved with wheat production increasing by 1,比上年增长5%. The rice harvest output also saw a substantial increase.  Despite the heavy rains in many major crop growing provinces, overall grain output remained stable and increased due to expanded planted areas of some highly productive crops such as corn. Average grain prices also rose by 6% despite abundant stockpiles currently in reserve. 确保供应的连续性, China has built national seed resource bases for its future crop requirements.

在印度, a record production of 305 million tons of grains was seen in 2021 harvest, an increase of around 8 million tons on last year. The higher production is driven by record production of rice, wheat, corn and pulses. Inventory grain stocks have increased as a result of several back to back record harvests in recent years. Efforts are being made to reduce these and release into the market to match customer demands and ease prices.

For farmers talking about the weather IS talking business. Judging by this overall report this season has been favorable in more places than not. So this thanksgiving we have plenty to be thankful for! Thank you to all the farmers who make it happen.




Marketing Communications Manager 动物营养

+31 416 317 721



Marketing Communications Manager 动物营养

+31 416 317 721
